Monday, October 25, 2010

A Hero of Ours!

Jim Alexander is a very big hero of ours and a man both Nikki and I admire and cherish. In his early life (around 1940) he sailed from Australia to New York with 3 others in a small sailboat with no motor and no communication equipment. Just think about Tierra del Fuego and you will agree that this is a man with True Grit, a Rooster Cogburn of our time. His career was in the newspaper business so he knows the English language and how to use it. Refreshing, eh? In early September he celebrated his 97th birthday. He also gets out on the golf course a couple of times a week. I enjoy playing with him in spite of his constant complaining that he can't hit the ball very far any more. I don't care!

His wonderful daughter Jeannie joined in our dinner party for Jim, as did Henry and Nancy Armstrong.

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