Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Family Saturday Morning

On the weekend following Mom's 93rd birthday party Nikki and I enjoyed a perfect family Saturday morning with the "kids." It was Henry's first soccer game of the year with his new team, the Bears. We then had lunch together at North Market, a renovated warehouse in Columbus filled with food vendors. Whatever you like is probably there.

Henry plats goalie...
and later plays offense and defense. Great fun to watch both teams!

Charlie plays with Omah and his trusty toothbrush.

Mmmmm, I wonder if I'm going to like this.

Henry keeps an eye on Charlie.

Poppy, Omah, and Henry try out the face board.

North Market -- a fun and very vibrant place.


  1. Great post. Seems like so long ago!

  2. I have to admit, the first view is spectacular!!
