Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Move to Vero Beach - Phase 1

The South Hills Movers arrived on Sept. 28 to get everything organized for the packing of the van the next day.

The result was room after room of tightly packed boxes and tagged furniture.

The loading begins. Actually, this is van #2, the one from yesterday having taken care of the stuff in the storage locker. When they finished loading from the house they had to go back to their warehouse and unload both vans onto the monster van which would make the trip to Vero Beach. On the way they also dropped off the antique piano at Tony and Holly's house in VA.

The movers arrived at our house in Vero Beach right on time -- in fact 20 minutes early. Jim and his son Dave were teriffic, handling everything professionally and with great care.

Nikki checks the inventory as boxes and furniture are brought in.

The kitchen became the staging area.

The guest room became the storage area.

Poor Gramma Bessie -- the indignity of it all! But she made the trip in good shape and is safe in her crate for the time being.

Dave's office.

Nikki's office.

The garage -- room for only one car at this point.

The move-in took 9 hours. The unpacking, well, that's another story.

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