Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Butterfly Garden at Powdermill

Several years ago Nikki and I made a gift to Powdermill in support of the capital campaign to build the new building, for which I was responsible as Director. We wanted there to be a focal point for kids and decided on a butterfly garden in memory of Tina. The garden was a long time in coming, but thanks to Dr. John Wenzel (new director) and Cokie Lindsay (lady who makes things happen there) the garden is now staked out, fenced, and planted. Plant selections and layout were done by Martha Oliver, a nearby resident and well known in horticultural circles.

We could not have been more pleased with what we saw on our first visit. The garden was designed with kids in mind and signage to be installed will educate adults as well.

Our thanks to the team -- John, Cokie, and Martha -- for making our vision a reality.

The bees seem content as well.

1 comment:

  1. I hope we get a chance to see Tina's butterfly garden. What a wonderful idea. I am sure Henry and Charlie will enjoy it.
