Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is Chautauqua?

Nikki and I spent a wonderful week with Brian, Kelly, Henry, Charlie, and Peggy (Kelly's Mom) at Chautauqua Institution, as we have done before. It's our family week together with lots of things for each of us to do. It's a great place, a magical place, but even old Chautauquans have trouble with a short answer to the question so often asked -- What is Chautauqua?

It is certainly a place where serious learning is offered and embraced:

It is a place where the arts flourish:

It is a place for families and family celebrations:

It is a place where whimsey is given free reign:

Where houses tell their own stories:

Where fairies have tea parties:

And bears fish from boats:

And fallen logs become crocodiles (thanks to Henry for this discovery):

And squirrels handle cleanup:
A place of elegance:

...and the more casual:
On our last afternoon there, at least part of the answer became more clear as I watched the scene below unfold. This very shy 13 year old girl had joined these older,experienced musicians

and they just had the greatest time playing together. In a quiet, nurturing way they let her set the tempo and take the lead while offering suggestions and support along the way. It was a coming together of music, the arts, education, family (her grandpa was watching), and a bit of whimsey as they all liked to play European folk dance tunes. It was a Chautauqua moment, to be sure.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post. Excellent way to work in the pic of the tall inky girl.
