Monday, August 2, 2010

Biking the C&O Canal Towpath

On July 30 and 31 Dr. Jim Roberts, his wife Jane Butler, and I biked the C&O Canal Towpath trail from Brunswick, MD to Hancock, MD, a biking distance of 77 miles. Nikki played a critical role in this endeavor as our driver, meeting us at the end of each section to take Jim and Jane back to their car at the access points. Both Jim and Jane are experienced bikers so this was a great learning opportunity. The night before our scheduled start we met for some final planning while enjoying some wine and snacks in our room. Main topic was where to access the trail. The intended access point at Sandy Hook did not, in fact, exist. Brunswick was selected, but that added 5 miles to the day's ride. Having settled that matter we went for dinner at Firestone's in Frederick, MD. Excellent meal with great service in a very lively town!

At the access point in Brunswick, MD.

The towpath and canal opposite Harper Ferry, WV.
Antietam Creek aqueduct where the canal flowed over the creek.

Time for some trail mix -- or a hand inspection?

Typical lock and lock master's house.

How I spent my 66th birthday -- 50.66 miles.

End of the first day!

Cushwa Basin in Williamsport, MD, our jumping off point on day 2.

Dam #5 on the Potomac. The line of rock in front of the dam is the remains of the dam which was there prior to the Civil War. To deny the Union the use of the canal, Stonewall Jackson tried without success to blow it up.

The lock at Dam #5.
End of the trail in Hancock, a total of 77 miles in a day and a half. Thanks Jim and Jane. We did it!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am seriously impressed. Well done Poppy! And good work driving Nikki. Hoping there was good shopping, knitting, crocheting etc. while you wait for your cyclist.
