Monday, July 12, 2010


We may not live in Texas or Canada, but we do have coyotes. Like black bears, they are quite happy here in the Allegheny Mountains. However, they are rarely seen. In the 12 years we have been here I have seen one, very early in the morning on my way down to Powdermill. Anyway, there have been at least 2 dens of pups in the past 4 years or so, both in the woods on a steep slope behind our house. There is a small stream at the bottom of the slope so they have safety and water. You would have no idea they were there except for the occasional yapping of the pups and mother, usually at night and usually very quick, then nothing. Last night we heard them at least twice, once at about 9 and again around 5 AM this morning. Very cool!! Like the black bears they do us no harm, except that the bears like to eat Nikki's black raspberries.

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