Thursday, July 15, 2010

Catbird babies

As Catbird mom was sitting on the nest early this morning I believe these babies were born during the day today. The nest is in a Rose of Sharon tree in the sunken garden adjacent to our east terrace. I'm wondering why we don't call catbird babies kittens -- even their eyes are still closed. Or maybe the three of them are just asleep.


  1. Oh, how sweet. I will show this to Henry in the morning. He'll want to call the kittens as well.

  2. We have a nesting pair of hawks on our block, and apparently they have chicks! I wish I knew what kind of hawks they are -- I heard the call very clearly and saw one of them at the very top of Will's tree while I was outside pruning today, but I'm not savvy enough to place it. Either a Cooper's or a sharp-shinned, I think.
