Friday, August 19, 2011

Flight 93 Memorial

A couple of days ago Nikki and I went back to the site of the crash of United Flight 93 to check on the progress of the memorial, Phase 1 of which will be dedicated on Sept. 10 and 11. We feel particularly connected to this place because the plane flew over our house only minutes before the crash. The heroism of the passengers and crew in bringing the plane down continues to move and inspire us.

Below is the new visitor's shelter.

Lots of windmills have been built on the nearby ridges over the past 10 years.
The white walls mark the path of the plane.
The actual crash site, now designated a cemetery, is marked by the 17 ton boulder in the background.
We learned that only 6 minutes elapsed between the time the passengers started their attempt to re-take the plane and the time of the crash. We were also told that the plane was upside down when it crashed at 570 miles/hour. The courage, the dedication, the commitment of these passengers to save the lives of others they did not know is a story that needs to be told again and again. The U.S. Capitol building, the likely target, was spared, as were the lives of thousands of people. The terrorists were denied this part of their awful plot. We are eternally grateful.

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