Sunday, August 28, 2011

Biking the C&O Canal Towpath II Aug. 2011

Jim Roberts, Jane Butler, Nikki, and Dave enjoy a nice dinner at City Lights restaurant in Cumberland, MD, the evening before our big 62 mile ride to Hancock, MD.
Here we are, ready to go on our big adventure.

Jane preps her camera for the group photo below.

Here we come.

There we go.
East portal of the famous Paw Paw Tunnel. Bikes need to be walked through this 3200' very dark tunnel.

Rest stop at the site of the remains of the Round Top Cement Mill along the canal. It had already rained very hard and we are wet and the trail is very muddy.

A well earned fist pump!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's In The Garden?

The summer is coming to a close but parts of our SW PA garden are still filled with color and life, especially around the front lamp post -- both red and white hibiscus.

The phlox attract the butterflies.

A plot of rudbekia.

Red hibiscus.

Magnolia tree seedpod.

Some glads starting to say goodbye.

It must be football season in western PA. Here's our black and gold spider.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flight 93 Memorial

A couple of days ago Nikki and I went back to the site of the crash of United Flight 93 to check on the progress of the memorial, Phase 1 of which will be dedicated on Sept. 10 and 11. We feel particularly connected to this place because the plane flew over our house only minutes before the crash. The heroism of the passengers and crew in bringing the plane down continues to move and inspire us.

Below is the new visitor's shelter.

Lots of windmills have been built on the nearby ridges over the past 10 years.
The white walls mark the path of the plane.
The actual crash site, now designated a cemetery, is marked by the 17 ton boulder in the background.
We learned that only 6 minutes elapsed between the time the passengers started their attempt to re-take the plane and the time of the crash. We were also told that the plane was upside down when it crashed at 570 miles/hour. The courage, the dedication, the commitment of these passengers to save the lives of others they did not know is a story that needs to be told again and again. The U.S. Capitol building, the likely target, was spared, as were the lives of thousands of people. The terrorists were denied this part of their awful plot. We are eternally grateful.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Biking the GAP

Yesterday I rode the 37 miles from Ohiopyle to Smithton on the GAP to stay in shape for the big ride coming up at the end of August. The first 10 miles are down hill heading toward Connelsville on the west side of Laurel Ridge.

Ready to go. Nikki dropped me off and will retrieve me in Smithton in about 4 hours.

This is the Youghiogheny River just downstream from the falls in Ohiopyle. Great white water rafting here.

Typical trail down the ridge. River is pretty "noisy" here but hard to see through the trees.
Trail is much more level here as is the now very quiet river.

Here we are in Connellsville, a little less than half way to Smithton.

The trail from Connellsville to Smithton was very flat and much more open. It was also in excellent condition. There were several bat houses along the trail.
Anyone home?

Arrived in Smithton after 3.5 hours, a good ride! Smithton is the birthplace of Shirley Jones and used to produce Stoney's beer at their brewery. The place hasn't recovered since Shirley and Stoney's left. Of course, the demise of the coke, coal, and steel industries along the river just clobbered so many of these once thriving small towns.