Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me

Two years and 3,000+ miles of biking have strengthened my legs, increased my stamina, and improved my balance, but have not resulted in the loss of an ounce of weight. It was time to take some action, so I signed up for Weight Watchers Online. The program looked good on the screen, as it were, but after a couple weeks of effort I just couldn't make friends with the point system. So I developed Dave's Food Plan (DFP). The DFP centers around the foods shown here -- lots of fruits and veggies (cabbage salad, anyone?), baked chicken, some fish, baby carrots for snacks, and a comforting vin ordinaire at the end of the day.

No baked goods, no bread, no dessert, no pasta, no cream sauces. So far I'm down 8 lbs.


  1. That's great! I'm doing weight watchers, so I know that tracking points can be difficult. But I like anything that has an App. :-)
