Saturday, April 30, 2011

Norikami Japanese Garden

Nikki and I were very moved (horrified) by the earthquake and tsunami that devastated so much of the north coast of Japan in March. To honor the thousands who were injured and killed we are planning to build a small Japanese garden in the stone wall enclosed area in front of our house. After reading (well, looking at the pictures) several books on Japanese gardens from the library we learned about the Norikami gardens in Delray Beach. So off we went on a search for ideas!

This garden at the entrance is very much what we have in mind -- we're off to a great start with our tour.

I took this pic because of the fence, but notice the lantern in the background.

Got lucky with this pic of a Great Blue Heron. Note again the lantern in the background.

A peaceful, small pool with a lantern

This is a deer scare. When the large bamboo tube is filled with water it tips forward, empties, and falls back with a loud CLANK on the brick.

This is part of a very large dry garden which simulates water around islands of rock.

Another dry garden with bushes simulating hills and mountains.

Nikki taking a break.
An interesting gateway.

Bonsai exhibit at the entrance to the museum.
A really big lantern but all in scale.

Very peaceful.

Interior courtyard of the museum. Another inspiration for our small garden.

Too many Big Macs????

Garden in front of the welcome center.

Our visit to Norikami was just a wonderful time. Come with us next time!

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