Sunday, June 3, 2012

Some Fountains of Savannah

The Historic District of Savannah is home to many fountains -- some small, some very small, some large, some very large. Water features always seem to be peaceful, restful, good for your attitude and your soul. Here are a few we liked.

Doors of Savannah

Doors have always intrigued us. Their style, color, material, condition -- all hints of what might lie beyond when opened. Here are a few that we liked.

This door has great historic significance as it was the entrance to Gen. Sherman's Headquarters in 1864.

Gardens of Savannah

We toured the Historic District in Savannah for a week in April and we loved it! Here are some of the gardens (loosely defined) that we particularly liked.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Jim's 98th Birthday

We had lunch today with our friend Jim Alexander and his daughter Jeannie. Jim turned 98 yesterday. For this and many other reasons, Jim is a hero of ours!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Butterfly Garden at Powdermill III

Yesterday we celebrated the opening of the butterfly garden at Powdermill. Dr. John Wenzel thanked Nikki and me for our gift of the garden and introduced Martha Oliver, the garden designer. Martha began her remarks with a poem by Emily Dickinson: 

TO make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,—
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.
The revery alone will do
If bees are few.

Martha's point was how the garden would benefit the propagation of bees, but I think there is a lot in this poem about dreaming dreams and making them come true, one small bee (step) at a time.

Martha then led us on a tour of the garden, pointing out the plants and the insects that are attracted to each.
The garden is beautiful and will be a magnet for butterflies and children alike. We are grateful to John Wenzel, Cokie Lindsay, and Martha Oliver for making our idea, our gift to children in memory of Tina, truly come alive.
What's a celebration without a little reception? The wine, cheese, smoked salmon, and conversations were wonderful!
Powdermill -- even more alive!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Biking the C&O Canal Towpath II Aug. 2011

Jim Roberts, Jane Butler, Nikki, and Dave enjoy a nice dinner at City Lights restaurant in Cumberland, MD, the evening before our big 62 mile ride to Hancock, MD.
Here we are, ready to go on our big adventure.

Jane preps her camera for the group photo below.

Here we come.

There we go.
East portal of the famous Paw Paw Tunnel. Bikes need to be walked through this 3200' very dark tunnel.

Rest stop at the site of the remains of the Round Top Cement Mill along the canal. It had already rained very hard and we are wet and the trail is very muddy.

A well earned fist pump!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's In The Garden?

The summer is coming to a close but parts of our SW PA garden are still filled with color and life, especially around the front lamp post -- both red and white hibiscus.

The phlox attract the butterflies.

A plot of rudbekia.

Red hibiscus.

Magnolia tree seedpod.

Some glads starting to say goodbye.

It must be football season in western PA. Here's our black and gold spider.